1931 Original Station The original firehouse was constructed as a simple, single story, woodframe structure with a loft. The first call left this station on Wednesday, May 6, 1931 at 1:45 pm for a field fire in Stoney Beach.
Late 1930'sThe original structure was replaced by a larger structure with a double bay that could accomodate more apparatus. This structure also had a loft above the bays.
circa 1945 The station was moved to a small parcel of land on Hilltop Road in the heart of Orchard Beach. The station was constructed with masonry block and now included a watchdesk/office and hose tower.
circa 1980 As time passed, the members made some minor architectural changes to the structure but made a major addition with a fourth engine bay on the west end of the building.
1988 The Solley Road RealignmentThe 80's brought about tremendous changes for the Orchard Beach Volunteers. Anne Arundel County decided the station needed to be moved to more evenly distribute the fire protection zones of coverage in the Pasadena area. As part of a major realignment of the 2nd battallion, Station 11 was combined with Station 16 (Lombardee Beach) . Rebuilding also provided the opportunity to increase the space for fire apparatus. Previously the station operated with 4 bays, but the new station had 3 drive through bays which provided space for 6 pieces of apparatus.
Today The Orchard Beach VFD has not undergone any exterior architectural changes since its original construction. After 20 years, the structure has been maintained with pride and appears just as it did when it opened in 1988...